Generative art is often misunderstood and mischaracterized: is it a process or an aesthetic or a critical category? The following is a conversation about the state of generative art with three generative artists: Leonardo Solaas, Marius Watz, and Mitchell Whitelaw and Jeremy Levine.
Leonardo Solaas (Programmer, designer and professor at the Master in Electronic Arts program in the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Marius Watz (Founder of Generator.x, an important curatorial platform for digital art, lecturer at the Oslo School of Architecture and the Oslo National Academy of the Arts) and Mitchell Whitelaw (Leading director at the Master of Digital Design at the University of Canberra, theorist who writes about digital culture and practice. His most recent book is “Metacreation: Art and Artificial Life”) and Jeremy Levine (Architect, writer, serves on the board of directors of Side Street Projects and the Harpo Foundation).
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